It is inevitable to resist red, especially in July, our national month . This color is a symbol of courage, love and passion that on many occasions has caused us to use it in some garment, but we have not done so because we do not know how to combine it. That is why today we will give you 4 ideas of  color combos so you can wear your red clothes, without fear and with great style.

Black + Red

Without a doubt, this is the favorite combination for an elegant and sophisticated outfit , where black provides a sober touch and red dynamism. This combination is one of the easiest to make and with a high percentage of that you can find in your closet .

Pink shirt

mikaela blouse

Red + Pink

Without a doubt, this combination has been one of the favorites and is still in trend . There are only two options, either you love it or you hate it, without a doubt a combination for people who love to take risks and look trendy .

Street style pink and red

Street Style Outfit Pink and Red

Street style look pink and red

Street Style Outfit Pink and Red

Red + Blue

A combo of primary colors that will attract attention and will not go unnoticed, it depends on the clothes you choose and accessories in the look   to wear an outfit  sporty chic or sophisticated and classic. Do you want to impact an exit? This is your color combo.

blue blazer

Barnavy Blazer

Red + White

Without a doubt the most patriotic combo, the colors of our flag reflected in a look . How can we use it and see ourselves IN? Here are some ideas for you.

Look red and white

Street Style Outfit White and Red

Look red and white

Street Style Dress White and Red

red blazer

shanny blazer

Look red and white

Street Style Outfit White and Red

Don't be afraid of color!
Include red in your looks and impact this national month. We hope you liked today's blog, see you next Thursday with a new post.

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