Over time our needs and routines have changed, we know that as a result of these changes the approach to what we wear every day has also changed, that's why today we will give you 4 fashion tips . 

Work on your capsule wardrobe

Use reliable basic garments that will serve you for any occasion and that can be combined and mixed with your entire wardrobe, some of the garments that you can have are:

 - Black Dress

- Jeans that fit you perfectly


- Button-down shirts and garments in neutral colors

neutral blazer

Amberly Blue Blazer

neutral skirt

Cafarena Rosibeth Black

 Balance the proportions in your looks

Look for aesthetic harmony in your outfits, achieve this by wearing clothes that fit your body type. For example, if you choose to wear loose or full-length garments on top, wear more form-fitting garments on the bottom of your look.


Julia Blazer Camel


Natalie Coat Blue

Add color to your looks

Do not be afraid of colors, using them will make you step out of your comfort zone and allow you to elevate your look. You can liven up little by little, first using colored accessories that give accent to your outfit and the rest of the garments can be made up of neutral colors.


Light Blue Natalie Coat

blue pullover

Blue Yasury Jumper

Wear clothes that have the right fit for you

There is nothing better than feeling comfortable with what you are wearing, that is why it is vitally important that the clothes you buy and wear are your size. A good tip is to have a trusted tailor to help you with those little details in your garments.

cackling black

Alyss Guinda pants

cackle pink

Cafarena Lark Pink

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